Just days after a similar announcement from South Korean rival Samsung Electronics, Sony Corp. has said it will put OLED technology on the back burner – scaling back development efforts for the forseeable future. Instead, the company says it sees a greater immediate opportunity with 4K Ultra HD LCD TVs and will work to expand its assortment in this product segment.
NY Times Launches Blistering Critique of LG; Says New U.S. HQ is a ‘Public Shame’ & a Reminder to ‘Shop Samsung’
We told you a few days ago about a rising chorus of opposition to the construction of LG’s new 143-foot tall U.S. headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, NJ – a borough which borders on a lush, green, wooded area of the state known as the Palisades – a National Natural Landmark. Now, in a scathing “Critic’s Notebook” article in Saturday’s New York Times, Michael Kimmelman compares how Samsung – also building a new headquarters building in San Jose, CA – took steps to be a good corporate citizen and fit in with the community…versus the approach by LG, “…a lousy neighbor.”
A critique of building design, the article didn’t pull any punches in thoughts about LG… [Read more…] about NY Times Launches Blistering Critique of LG; Says New U.S. HQ is a ‘Public Shame’ & a Reminder to ‘Shop Samsung’
Talk About Income Inequality! Just Four Companies Generated 90% of All Net Profits in South Korea
In a report that is sure to surprise many and even stun some, the Korea Fair Trade Commission, South Korea’s fair trade watchdog, announced that just four large companies – or conglomerates – generate 90% of all of the total net profit earned in the country in 2013. The commission, which closely tracks the performance of what they call the largest conglomerate companies, issues their report every April with this year’s report showing the share of the top four have continued to grow since 2011.
But wait until you see the percentage of profits from just the top TWO companies… [Read more…] about Talk About Income Inequality! Just Four Companies Generated 90% of All Net Profits in South Korea
At CES: Samsung Shifts Emphasis from Smart TVs to Smart Home
Samsung’s press day conference was the most unusual we’ve seen with everything from a product that caused an audible gasp of amazement from the crowd…to one of their celebrity presenters running from the stage in mid-presentation. But we believe we detected a subtle but significant shift with their TV business being less prominent and more in balance with the company’s other products such as their appliance, computer, and mobile businesses.
See more on our initial impressions of Samsung below… [Read more…] about At CES: Samsung Shifts Emphasis from Smart TVs to Smart Home
CES Opens to Press and Already…A Couple of Surprises
Press Day at CES is – to put it mildly – a bit of a grind. A seemingly never-ending series of scheduled press presentations that are scheduled one hour apart so the press can run from one supposedly 45-minute (of course they all run long) event to the next. The hallways often look more like a mosh pit as reporters, bloggers, and editors push, shove, and elbow their way to the next presentation hoping to get a seat close enough that the presenters don’t look like ants.
It’s easy to become jaded, as one sits through slickly produced, Hollywood-style presentation after another. Rarely, do we get surprised.
But this time…we got a couple of surprises… [Read more…] about CES Opens to Press and Already…A Couple of Surprises
Readers’ Choice – The Top Strata-gee.com Stories of 2013 as Picked by Readers
2013 ends today and it is fun to look back on the top stories of the last year. Many times, this yields surprises as stories from early in the year are easy to forget. In this post, we are revealing the top Strata-gee.com stories from 2013 based on which stories generated the most page views…therefore, those stories that you – the reader – found most interesting.
See Strata-gee.com’s Readers’ Choice for top stories of 2013 below – Do you remember these?… [Read more…] about Readers’ Choice – The Top Strata-gee.com Stories of 2013 as Picked by Readers
Major OLED Production Problems Force Panasonic & Sony to Refocus on 4K
In a report that appeared in the Nikkei on Christmas Day, it appears that Sony Corp. and Panasonic Corp. have dissolved a joint OLED production initiative and will instead seek new methods individually. As a result, both companies will back-burner OLED and redouble their efforts on building their 4K UHDTV businesses.
This decision – along with poor sales of OLED sets from Samsung & others, calls it’s future into question… [Read more…] about Major OLED Production Problems Force Panasonic & Sony to Refocus on 4K
Toshiba Tries to Turnaround Its Troubled TV Division
Toshiba Corp. has launched an aggressive strategy aimed at turning around its troubled, money-losing television manufacturing business. We wrote last week about their decision to close a manufacturing plant in China in a bid to restructure their production base – one part of a larger TV turnaround strategy. Now word comes of additional aggressive moves by the company attempting to return their once vaunted TV business to profitability.
Toshiba plans to cut factories, jobs, and even countries as it tries for a turnaround… [Read more…] about Toshiba Tries to Turnaround Its Troubled TV Division
Strata-gee’s Editor Appears in Latest Edition of AV Week Webcast
Not having learned their lesson last time, AV Nation once again invited me to participate in the latest edition of their AV Week webcast to discuss the hot A/V topics of the day. Also appearing in this week’s episode of AV Week was Sam Malik of ASK Proxima and Kevin Iselli of Crestron Electronics. And, of course, AV Week is hosted by the incomparable Tim Albright, founder of AV Nation.
What topics did the guests on AV Week ponder? See more below… [Read more…] about Strata-gee’s Editor Appears in Latest Edition of AV Week Webcast
CEDIA EXPO 2013 Overview and Attendance
CEDIA’s Expo in 2013 returned to Denver, CO, a favorite location for many attendees and exhibitors – a point to which we can attest as so many said so in Strata-gee’s CEDIA Survey over the last few years. So was Denver the panacea needed to get everyone back into a positive state of mind? Was the show everything everyone hoped it would be?