‘The New Year is a New Opportunity for Renewal’
A new day, a new year, a new DECADE – think of the possibilities! The last decade began in 2010 on the tail end of a major recession that affected all industries, but especially the housing industry – which was hit harder than most. This meant that, for those of us in the custom integration space, our opportunities were limited at that time, as housing is a significant driver of demand for the types of products custom integrators sell and install. However, the resulting long, slow economic recovery – which is still continuing – set new records and many would argue we enter the 2020s poised for even greater success.
Our wish for you in the New Year…
But whether you view the situation optimistically, or share the concerns of some about the continued consolidation of our industry…or an approaching economic slowdown…or an upcoming highly partisan, divisive election cycle slowing consumer purchases – I would suggest you set all of those thoughts and concerns aside and celebrate the now!
Congratulations! You made it through the “teens” decade. Those of you with kids know well just how challenging the teen years can be!
So regardless of whether your personal situation is better now on January 1, 2020 than it was on January 1, 2010…or worse…the fact is that you’ve made it and the new year is a new opportunity for renewal!
For Better, or For Worse
If you are better off – then consider the past as a prologue to an even bigger and better next decade. Challenge yourself to find new paths to even greater growth…personally and professionally. Ask yourself how to not only be better at business…but how to be better at being: a spouse, a parent, a relative (child/grandchild/aunt/uncle/niece/nephew), a friend, a partner, a mentor… a PERSON.
If you are worse off – reflect upon the past decade as the school of hard knocks…the best education in the world. It is a fact that many of our most successful people came through tremendous hardships. Jettison off the feelings of rejection, inadequacy, unfairness, or general doom and gloom. Embrace a turn of the tide in the new year…seek advice from those whom you view as wise and successful…read more books and smart material from smart people…challenge yourself to sweep aside all your old assumptions – be ready and willing to write a new chapter in your life.
We Honor You
No matter what your situation, I want you to know that everyone associated with Strata-gee.com, the Strata-gee SYNCH, The Stratecon Group…and most especially me…honor you and feel extremely grateful for your continued readership and support.
Not only that – but I have some MAJOR changes coming. Keep watching for some dramatic upcoming announcements.
Big Things are Coming
We plan on stepping up our game to try and provide more of the kind of coverage and information you need:
- …to make sense out of the perplexing
- …to reveal not only the “whats” of various company moves…but the “whys” behind them – whether they’ve officially revealed them or not
- …to create educational content related to changes – whether technological or business – so that you can better understand and take advantage of them in your business or life
So THANK YOU for your continued support and standby for more details on these exciting new initiatives!
I also want to say a special thanks to our SPONSORS for their continued support. Their contribution is extremely helpful in keeping our content flowing to you!
Finally, let me wish you all – from my heart – a Happy, Healthy, Safe and Prosperous New Year in 2020!
Shawn OConnell says
Thank you and we hope you have a Wonderful New Year !!! The Roaring 20’s are just around the corner.